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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Some simple questions from your daily life...

For toughest questions you may answer me quickly with big answers. But i am asking you simple ones. Can you answer those???

There are many things which you use in your daily life. But if i ask about those things you cant quickly answer about it.
For a few persons some questions are easy to answer, for some it is not. Lets Check it out...

Can you quickly answer the following questions ???

 1. Color of your tooth brush.

 2. Brand & Color of your tooth paste.

 3. Brand name of tea dust.

 4. Brand name of your watch.

 5. Brand &color of your bathing soap.

 6. Your vehicle number. (if u dont have one, tell me your parent's/friends vehicle number which u use)

 7. Correct amount of money in your purse.

 8. Correct amount of money in your bank account.

 9. Your mobile ringtone & wallpaper.

10. Your mobile balance.

And if you are using same brands you may answer it quickly for question of brandnames. And it may be easy to answer if you have zero balance for your mobile phone all the time and an empty purse...



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